There is another amazing option “You Can’t See Me” and with this option your enemies will be made completely blind. You will also provided with the Fast LockPick in which your character will open any door by pressing a simple button and you are no longer required to wait for the opening of the doors. There are no alarms in this trainer and the door opening is also faster than usual. You will also have access to unlimited grenades which can be used to rip apart the enemies. This trainer has also got an unlimited medipack. PS: sorry for the swearing in my first posts, i was not expecting people calling me ripper.In the IGI 2 Trainer you will enjoy the never-ending life and the ammo provided to you are also infinite. Ohh and yea i am still a teenager, maybe less in knowledge from you guys but i am proud still, at least i don't mock others people hard work!. If it was because the gfx wasn't great then i'd been happy. Thanks to all the 6 people who didn't thought like others, i am sure the thumbsdown was given because they thought it was ripped. Like a guy said most of the people are more experienced and aged so i wonder if aging makes people mock and belittle others work ?. I can still see sheep was accused of ripping in that page the above person is referring lol. If i really had such great debugging and disassembling skills, i would have used the logo effect sheep has used in his trainer because if i can rip the star field, i could have ripped that too.Īnyway i really care less how you guys think seeing how starters and newbies are flamed and mocked. It was my first trainer using star field and those effects so yea i didn't did anything creative. I don't know for how many years this star field effect is used and nobody is called a ripper. Yes they look quite similar, i noticed that but that doesn't make me a ripper. This is also the difference between mine and sheep's trainer, i don't know which player he is using but he is using pebundle to include the dll in his executable while ufmod doesn't need any dlls so mine doesn't have any dlls!. I am sure if somebody disassembled his and mine trainer, you would clearly see i've not used any api related with dib.Īnd those accusing me of ripping xm player, well i used a player call Ufmod on net, i don't know who made that but you should call him a ripper if he is using minfmod code.
I used all GDI api's to do the starfield and logo while those knowing sheep will know that he is using DIB cause he has released couple of tuts explaining how to set up dib and stuff. I don't know why it was called a copy cat or rip of sheep's trainer.I admit i made the horizontal bar looking at micral's engine but other than this, all was original. I know its more than a year passed since i added this but just stumbled across this place. If you can't release, ask for help man, i am sure there are many people who would help even retarded people like you ). Now we can see how much truth is in your sayings cause this 17 year old with no experience proved a dumb asshole experienced mofo wrong so why don't you shut up and release anything yourself instead of mocking and belittling other people's work ?. Ohh if you can't search on google or if they've banned you cause you're dumb then here's the link to ufmod player. I don't know who made this player but you should better tell him your dumb ideas cause he's the author of this player not me.
And always do some research before saying anything, just because you don't know about a player named as "UfMod" doesnot mean it doesnot exist and that we made it for ourselves by ripping code from another player.Search for ufmod on google and the first link will be to this damn player. Well i said i won't reply again unless sheep says anything but since this minifmod thing isnot about sheep so.i didnot even wrote that tutorial, open your eyes and close your hole man.its getting bigger and bigger everyday.